A moment in time.
This story is Tom the teacher, wisdom walker that Tom was. We were working on gutting and remodeling a residential home, eight guys on the crew and a bunch of subcontractors on site. As jobs go everybody was very busy working inside the interior of the house. Lots of construction noise from all parts of the house. Tom‘s watch was always on a different time zone when arriving at work, so showing up on jobs was a floating of time. On this day was mid morning and Tom comes onto the job. He stands in the middle of the house and yells over the construction noise and ask everyone to stop working for a moment. All is sawing, hammering and conversations quite down to a stillness. Tom says, paraphrasing, but from his heart “This moment of time will never happen again and I have great gratitude to be here with you all at this time“. Tom brought all of us into that moment of time to be one with each other for he was right, that would never be repeated and to appreciate the gift of the moment. Life journey moves way too fast and is fleeing. That was in the early 2000s, I was so impressed by his wisdom, clarity and courage to speak his heart. Thank you Tom for sharing your journey, light and beingness
Love John Widyn
John Widyn